$211 Fortnightly Family Tax Benefit 2024 – Check Eligibility & Payout Dates

Many families in Australia are responsible for raising a child and dependents with low or fixed income and face real difficulties while paying their monthly bills. To help people overcome such situations the government of Australia has announced the $211 Fortnightly Family Tax Benefit 2024 to assist people with their monthly expenditure. The FTB Part A is designed for families in Australia who are raising a dependent child. In September 2024 the base rate of FTB in Australia per child is estimated to be $71.26. For more information and having a chance to take the complete benefits all candidates must read the eligibility criteria and follow the application process. 

The Family Tax Benefit Part A is aimed at helping low income families who are raising children under the age of 18. The FTB is given to candidates on factors associated with the income, residentship and dependency of the child. For 2024 the maximum amount of Family Tax Benefits per child is $916.15 from July 2024 onwards. The amount may change depending upon the annual income of the family. The payment amount is different for Australians living in British Columbia, further the benefits might get affected with changes from July 2025 onwards. To qualify under the FTB Part A the families of the applicants have to pass the $211 Fortnightly FTB Eligibility Criteria 2024 and income test. 

$211 Fortnightly Family Tax Benefit 2024, Check Eligibility

$211 Fortnightly Family Tax Benefit 2024

To qualify for the $211 Fortnightly Family Tax Benefit 2024 in Australia all the members of the family of the applicant should be permanent and legal citizens of Australia. The age of the child should be under 18 and 22 if the child is a dependent and full time student. The annual income of a single parent raising a child must be below $151,014 and for couples the annual income limits are set at $163,578. If you are not the parent of the child you must be their legal guardian or caregiver to claim the FTB. For Part B of FTB the child of the applicant should be under the age of 6 or 13 if the child is disabled and completely dependent. The annual income of a single parent in this situation needs to be under $75,000 for singles and $100,000 for couples. 

$211 Centrelink Family Tax Benefits 2024 On Every Fortnight

Program$211 Centrelink Family Tax Benefits 2024 On Every Fortnight
Name of the benefitFamily Tax Benefit
Government  Government of Australia
AuthorityServices Australia
EligibilityLow income families with children under 18
Frequency of payments Monthly
Payment DatesSeptember 2024
Official Webpage www.servicesaustralia.gov.au. 

$211 Fortnightly FTB Eligibility Criteria 2024

Know about the $211 Fortnightly FTB Eligibility Criteria 2024 through the following points.

  • Candidates and their children applying for FTB should be legal citizens of Australia and permanent residents. 
  • The age of the child of the applicant should be less than 18 years for FTB Part A. For FTB Part B the age of the children of the applicant should be less than 6 years and 13 years if the child is disabled.
  • The annual income of a single parent should not exceed 151,014 and 163,587 for people applying into FTB Part A. 
  • For people who are applying into FTB Part B the annual income should be less than $75,000 for single parents and 100,000 for couples raising a child. 

How To Claim $211 Centrelink Fortnightly Family Tax Benefit 2024

Instructions below will help you to Claim $211 Centrelink Fortnightly Family Tax Benefit 2024.

  • Families in Australia applying for the Family tax benefits should be completely aware of the eligibility criteria before they start applying into the FTB. 
  • After you clear the eligibility criteria, gather all the documents related to verification. You may need a birth certificate of your child, resident and citizenship documents, and income proof. 
  • Locate the application from Services Australia using your MyGov Account. 
  • Fill the application form using correct information and verify everything before submitting. 

Family Tax Benefit Amount 2024

Family Tax Benefits Family Tax Benefit Amount 2024
FTB Part A$916.15
FTB Part B$448.95

$211 Fortnightly Family Tax Benefit 2024 : Fact Check

The article is based on information associated with the FTB for 2024 – 2025. In this article we discussed in detail about the FTB benefits for low income families of Australia. After deep research and study from the data available on the internet we mentioned all details about the eligibility and payment amount along with the application process in detail. The data mentioned in this article is updated as of the current reports but there are chances that the data and amount might change again. 

FAQs On $211 Fortnightly Family Tax Benefit 2024

What is the amount of average benefits under the FTB for candidates who qualify under the PART A?

The FTB payments for Part A are somewhere around $916.15.

What should be the annual income of candidates applying for PART B FTB payments in 2024?

The part B FTB payments are given to people with annual income less than $75,000 to $100,000 for singles and couples raising a child. 

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